Astrophotography by Torsten Mueller


SAB(rs)a Galaxy
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Object Information

Description wikipedia:
"Messier 65 (also known as NGC 3623) is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1780. Along with M66 and NGC 3628, M65 forms the Leo Triplet, a small group of galaxies."
Type SAB(rs)a Galaxy
Brightness 10.25 mag (vis)
Apparent Size 8.7' x 2.4'
Distance 32 Mly MLy

Exposure Information

Date 2019-04-05
Location GRT (Goldbach Remote Telescope)
Optics GSO 12" RC f/5.6 (TS CCDT47 Reducer)
Integration Luminance 7 x 240 sec (1x1 binning)
(0.47 h total)
Image remarks very bad sky transparency